1.Students who come to school on their own should arrive at the school before the bell rings.
2.The morning bell before the class or assembly is a signal for all to go to the assembly or to their respective
class rooms. Thisshould be done promptly and in silence.
3.Students should be habitually clean and always neatly
dressed. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Studentsshabbily
dressed or not in uniform will be sent home/ punished.
4.No books (other than text books or library books), magazinesor
papers should be brought to the school.
5.Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is strictly prohibited.
6.The school is not responsible for
goods lost.it is not advisable to bring valuable articles (e.g. expensivewatches and fountain-pens, itemsof jewellery) to the school.
7.Students who come to school with their escorts should never leave before the escorts arrives. Incase of delay in arrival
of escort they should report to the school.
8.The school reserves the right to rusticate or suspend students whose conduct is harmful to other students.
9.Parents and
guardians of all students should contact the teacher on the PTA days to note the progress of their wards.
10.Parents and guardians must not visit their wards or teachers without prior permission of the principal.
11.The name, class and section of the people should be clearly marked on the belongings of the students. Waterbottles,
blazersand jerseys should also bear the nameof the students.
12.A child who fails twice in the same class will not be
permitted to continue his/her studies in the school.
13.Late comers, uniform defaulters and children who do not do their
home work regularly will be sent home.
14.A student who uses unfair means during tests willbe awarded zero in the subject and awarning letter will be issued.
Repetition of the same will result in rustication of the student.
15.Students are not allowed to go to a relative/friend’s house from school.
16.Once a student enters the school campus he is not allowedto leave the campus without the Principal’s permission.
17.School organizesremedial classes for under achievers time to time throughout the year. It is compulsory forthem to attend these classes.
1. Strictdiscipline and silence is to be observed in the library.
2. CurrentJournals and magazines and Reference books will not be issued.
3. Marking, underline, cutting, erasingand damaging pages of the books to strictly prohibited and liable to be punished.
4. Bookson loan will not be transferred by the borrowers to others.
5. Librarybooks are to be deposited at least one week before any vacation.
6. Librarianmay collect the books at any time in case of urgency.
1. Punctualityis essential at all time. Students who contravene this rule without valid reason will be punished as per rules.
2. Nostudent will remain in the campus or in the classroom after the last bell has been rung. Theirmanner of movement should be
quiet and orderly, atall times.
3. Childrenare advised to behave in an orderly manner in the school and in public places. Useof swear words and foul language,
scribblingand scratching on school furniture and school walls and any misbehavior in school buses and public places will be
strictly dealt with.
4. Students are instructed not to play with ball in the classroomor use cricket bats and hockey sticks, excepton the playground.
Thecost of repairs caused by damage to school property will be charged from the concerned students.
5. Students indulging in indiscipline that violates the atmosphere in the school, causesdamage to school property, indulgesin
theft, manhandling, bullyingand such like activities are liable to be expelled from the school.
6. Anypupil who is persistently insubordinate or is repeatedly or willfully mischievous or is guilty of malpractice in connection
with examinations or has committed an act of serious indiscipline and/or misbehavior or who, inthe opinion of the head of the
institution, hasan unwholesome influence on his
fellow pupils, maybe expelled permanently or removed from the school for a specified period by the principal.
7. Therule of good behavior applies outside as well as inside the school. Socialfunctions, involving pupils must not be organizedwithout
the principal’s approval. This applies to picnics, excursions and other outings alsoanybodywho organizesor takes part in these
unauthorized activities will be liablefor disciplinary action.
8. Studentsare prohibited from taking part in Radio, TV Programmes, and Playbackrecordings. Acting in the Cinema and Advertisements
and the like during their tenure in the school,unlesschosen to represent the school, in the first two activities above, however,
the Principal’s prior permission must be obtained.
9. Students will be liable for written warning /punishment on the following
(a)Violent behavior/aggressive behavior
(c)Use of abusive language
(d)Cheating in examination
(f)Bunking classes/school or reporting late to school
(g)Found with books/material which may be classified as obscene
(h)Misconduct while travelling in the school bus
(i)Bringing mobile phone/Cameras/IPod/other electronic devices etc. Arestrictly prohibited in the school. Theywill be confiscated/not
returned and destroyed by the school authorities.
(j)Disfiguring or damaging school property
(k)Smoking, usingdrugs/intoxicants
(m)Carrying lethal weapons
(n)Practicing Casteism/Communalism
(o)Playing Holi Or Bursting Crackers in the school campus
(p)Riding scooters,motorbikes, carsto school
A card will be issued to such a student. Ifthe child is issued three such card, he may be issued T.C. on disciplinary grounds.
1.If a child has to be withdrawn from school, parentsare requested to give one calendar month’s notice in writing failing
which, one month’s fee will be charged in lieu thereof.Exception may be made in case of a sudden transfer of Government or Military persons.
2.Those who leave the school in May must in all cases pay the fees for the month of June.
3.Transfer Certificates for children withdrawn are not issued until alldues are settled.